King Canute ruled over Denmark, Norway, and England more than one thousand years ago. A wise ruler, he worked hard to make the lives of his people better. As is often the case, he was surrounded by those who wanted to gain influence and importance with him, and according to the ancient story, he grew tired of their continual flattery and wanted to put an end to it. He ordered that his throne be carried out to the seashore and gathered his courtiers around it, while he sat on it.
By the sea, the king commanded the tide not to come in. Yet soon the waters were rising around his legs, the tide did not listen him. According to one historian’s account, King Canute rose up from his throne and said, “Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom Heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.” In other words, there is only one King and I’m not him.
Today’s devotion is from Joshua 10. The people of Gibeon, in central Canaan, enter into a treaty with Israel in Joshua 9. Hearing of this, five neighboring kings join forces to attack Gibeon, and the Gibeonites send to Joshua for help. The Israelites come to defend their allies, and in the ensuing battle, in v 12-13 Joshua asks the sun and the moon to stand still. They do so for a day, and the battle is won for the Israelites. The account ends, "There has been no day like it before or since, when the LORD heeded a human voice; for the LORD fought for Israel" (Joshua 10:14).
The sun stands still for a full day, while the Israelites defeat their enemies. How could this be?
The sun stood still as well as the moon, we know scientifically of the implications of this. What happened to the tides that are caused by the moon? Did the whole solar system freeze for that day?
If we look at this miracle scientifically we’ll be tormented by the sheer scope of what happened.
The Bible describes the appearance of the sun standing still, not the scientific mechanics required.
We want all the answers and we want to know how it all works. But I think this passage highlights what power our God has. There is mystery here, we won’t know the inner workings of this miracle, and that should be ok with us. We are merely human, we shouldn’t think of ourselves as having the ability to know it all.
As great as science and scientific exploration is, we mustn’t allow it to make us think more of ourselves than we should. We are not God, or gods. When we hear of miracles like these, allow them to let us fall to our knees and realise how insignificant we are. We have an opportunity to humble ourselves before God who can stop a star in it’s orbit.
King Canute knew this truth, and even though he was a king he realised who the true king was. This caused him to live for the True King and not for himself, he was able to make a difference because of this shift in attitude.
I encourage you today to be humble before God and remember we are all his servants.
Thank You, Father for this passage. In the middle of it we find this miracle where You just caused the sun to shine for the whole day, a whole extra day. There was no night. The sun just kept shining. May we not dwell on the science behind it, but may we dwell in the God who caused it. May we not be worried that we don’t understand it, but may the mystery of it want us to find the person who did that. And that person is You. May the mystery draw us closer to You, not drive us further away from You. I pray that every single person who watches this video, including myself, that we will be more humble before You and we will be your servants. Amen.
▎Brother Dylan