Isaiah 41 the Lord is in his courtroom, he is inviting idols of the nations to present their case before him why they are to be seen as anything more than pieces of wood or metal. He says let them tell of their great deeds, but of course they can't speak. He says in v 24, But no! You are less than nothing and can do nothing at all. Those who choose you pollute themselves."
Powerful words. Idolatry has been a problem for those following God for thousands of years. A disturbing verse is found in 2 kings 17:33 "They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods…: this was said thousands of years ago, but it’s still true today.
很強烈的文字!幾千年來,偶像崇拜對於跟隨上帝的人一直都是個問題。列王紀下 17:33說:他們又懼怕耶和華,又侍奉自己的神,從何邦遷移,就隨何邦的風俗。這段話是幾千年前說的,但如今事實仍是如此。
In Isaiah 41 God establishes why he is superior to the dead idols people were worshipping.
1. He stirs up nations and gives them victory over others, he is able to influence events that change the course of history.
2. He is the lifegiver, summoning each generation in it’s time to his purposes. No generation has ever existed or will exist without him giving them the ability to do so.
3. He has helped the Israelites throughout their history and he says as you look back, see my hand in it and see how I rescued you. Can idols rescue you?
4. He cares for the needy and the downtrodden, sustaining them and lifting them up.
5. He is able to see the future and warn his people about what will take place, which idol can truly do the same?
6. He calls himself the first and the last and everything in between. The author of our human story and the finisher of it and the one who is in all of it.
In v 29 it says " See, they are foolish, worthless things. All your idols are as empty as the wind."
Idol worship takes many forms, some do bow before actual wooden images made by men. But some bow before unseen idols that are secretly worshipped. How do I know if I’m worshipping an idol?
An idol is anything that takes the place of God in our lives.
Idols are the things that distract you from God.
What I prize, or value the most.
What I trust the most.
What would break your heart if you lost it?
The passion of your heart.
Today take some time to identify your idol. Be ruthless, be honest as you examine your life. I can’t go through the whole list of what might be an idol, but the Holy Spirit can be your guide to point out any idolatry in your life.
In India there was a yearly festival held to an idol called juggernaut. The huge idol would be taken out of the temple and paraded to his nearby country house, a smaller temple. Hundreds of thousands of people attend the festival. The giant cart is pulled along and is so heavy it makes grooves in the road. Helping to pull the idol is seen as a way to be blessed by the idol. If you happen to die within a 5 mile radius while he is pulled along your descendants will be blessed beyond measure. Sometimes people will lay themselves on the road before the cart and be killed under its weight.
One woman did that, and when the procession was past 2 young children sat near the trodden body of their mother. A passerby said to the children, “Where is your home?”, “That’s our home they replied.” What a tragic story. We may even say what a foolish woman she was. But do we not do the same with our idols.
Know this, your idol will let you down, But our great and glorious God never will.
Father God, the first and the last, you are no idol. You are the one true living God who we can put all our hope in. You have never failed and never will. Help us to be true to you and to remember the 2nd commandment, not to have any other gods but you. Please reveal to us any idols that we may be worshipping subtly, help us to know that we are not immune to idolatry. May we be humble and honest with ourselves and turn away from whatever it is that has captured our hearts and turn to you and you alone, Amen.
▎Brother Dylan