
03/06 慈愛主的教導│出埃及記20



Dear brothers and sisters, may the word of the Lord be your light throughout the day. Today, we read Exodus chapter 20: “The Ten Commandments.” What do you think of when you hear “The Ten Commandments”? Maybe you think of all the rules you’ve had to follow ever since you were little. Maybe some of them led to a prize, an ice cream or something. Maybe the breaking of a rule led to a spanking or two. If you don’t like rules, you are not alone. In a society where freedom and autonomy are valued, many people don’t like the restraint of all these rules. Don’t cross the road on a red light. Wear a helmet when riding a scooter. If you’re a child, “do your homework before you play games,” “Go to bed at 9pm”. Ahhh… So many rules. “The Ten Commandments”. How are we supposed to look at these ancient laws?
親愛的弟兄姊妹,願神的話成為你今日一整天的亮光。今天,我們讀到出埃及記第二十章:十誡。當你聽到『十誡』時,你聯想到什麼呢?你是不是想起從小到大需要遵守的規矩呢? 守規矩時你可能得過獎勵,一個冰淇淋之類的。而你不守規矩時,被教訓了。你要是不喜歡規矩,那很正常。在今天這個崇尚自由和自主權的社會中,許多人不喜歡條條規範的束縛。『別闖紅燈。』『騎機車要戴安全帽。』要是你是個小孩,『先寫功課,才能玩』『九點準時睡覺。』好多須遵守的規矩啊!『十誡』,我們要如何看待這些年代久遠的法律呢?

Let’s imagine we all turned into Jews. Don’t really turn into one, just imagine turning into one. In the time of Moses, what was the big event that occurred in the not-so-distant past? The hopelessness of being sandwiched between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. The miracle of the waters splitting in the middle. It was unbelievable! The Jews were slaves in Egypt. But all of a sudden, they’re free. 
讓我們想像我們都成為了猶太人。不需要真的變成猶太人,想像就好。在摩西的時代,猶太人記憶中最偉大的事蹟是什麼呢? 當他們被無情地夾在埃及軍隊和紅海之間時,大海突然奇蹟般的被分開了!太不可思議了。猶太人原先是奴隸的。但是這件事過後,他們嘗到自由的滋味。

The taste of freedom is so good! But the Lord is not done yet. He is a God who not only redeemed His people, but revealed Himself also. Because He Himself is holy, He also had very high standards for His people, the Jews. The Lord gave the Ten Commandments out of His love. In order to live godly lives for God, and to be a light for the nations of the earth, the Jews were given these Ten Commandments. This is similar to a parent’s love for her child, “Do your homework before you play games.” “Go to bed at 9pm, so you’ll be able to wake up energized tomorrow. The country also wishes that every citizen will succeed and flourish: “Don’t cross the road on a red light.” “Wear a helmet when riding the scooter.” God gave the Ten Commandments out of His perfect love. The first 4 commandments teach us how best to relate to the Lord God. The last 6 commandments teach us how best to interact with our fellow humans and what healthy boundaries are. God gave the Ten Commandments out of His great love for His people then and now.

The freeing of the Jews from slavery reminds us that in the New Testament, Jesus frees us from the slavery of sin. Jesus did an amazing thing for us, just like how the spitting of the Red Sea was for the Jews. God’s power brought freedom and redemption to His people. For us New Testament believers, God doesn’t just let us wander there after we are freed. He wants us to live everyday as redeemed and renewed people. He gave the Jews the Ten Commandments so they knew how to live a God-glorifying life. He gave us the Bible so not only are we saved, but we can follow God’s loving instruction for the rest of our lives. Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, some of us came from backgrounds where we don’t like rules. Rules might have brought us pain and suffering. But the Bible teaches us that God is a loving Father who cares deeply about how we live. We thank you for revealing Yourself to us through the Scriptures. Just like what you did for the Jews, You saved us from sin and death, and You have made a way for us when there was no way. Jesus died on the cross to take away the punishment that should have been ours. And now, as redeemed children, we are given new life and are forever changed. Thank you, God. Be with us for the rest of the day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


