
05/13 天國的公民│以斯拉記8



Hello! I am Dylan, today’s devotion is from Ezra 8. From verses 1-14. If you read 1-14 you’ll see that it’s a list. A list of people going who are going back to Jerusalem from Babylon. 
They were taken to Babylon 70 years before when Jerusalem fell to Babylon, most of the people who were on the list hadn’t lived in Jerusalem before. The only life they knew was in Babylon and they along with Ezra volunteered to go back to Jerusalem a city that was unknown to them. They left the comfort of Babylon for a place that was unknown to them, Jerusalem. 
Would you give up your citizenship? would you give up your rights and protection to the country that you belong to? So if you are in Taiwan, would you give up your Taiwanese citizenship to live in another country? Perhaps you would to lIve in a better country, to live in place with better rights and better protection. But what if it was a place that was unknown to you or a place that you had never been to before? Would you be willing to give up your identity and your culture, the customs and the rules that make you who you are? 
Well I’ve got good news for you, you already have. The day you followed Jesus is the day you became a citizen of heaven. Just like the people who left Babylon went to Jerusalem so you left earth’s system, Babylon, and became a citizen of God’s kingdom. The Bible talks about being a citizen of heaven. That’s what Philippians 3:20 says. It says “But our citizenship is in heaven.” So you are a citizen of heaven. You volunteered to do that. Your identity is not on earth anymore. Your identity is in heaven. 
我有個好消息要跟你說,就是你已經那麼做了!當你跟隨耶穌的那一天,你成為天國的子民。如同那些離開巴比倫、為到耶路撒冷的人們,你離開世界系統,成為神國的公民。聖經講到成為天國的子民。腓立比書 3:20說:「我們卻是天上的國民。你是天國的子民,你自願那麼做,你的身份已經不屬世界,你的身份屬於天國!」
In Taiwan people always ask me, “Where are you from?” And I’m always puzzled by the question or I’m not sure how to answer. Because I am from South Africa originally, but I always want to say I’m without culture, I’m without a country, I’m without citizenship on earth. I want to live my life from the perspective that I’m a citizen of heaven. But I always politely say I’m from South Africa. But actually, I’m a citizen of heaven, and being a citizen of heaven means I don’t look at earth as my home. I don’t look at this place as my final place where I will end my life forever. My new life will begin in heaven.  
As a citizen of heaven, you have a new culture, you live by new rules, new customs. Those customs and rules we learn in the Bible. The Bible gives us a new culture, so we have a new way to live, in Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” So, we should always look at God’s kingdom, heavens culture, and try to make that the priory in our lives over our old culture. 
Galatians 6:14, I want to read that verse to you. “As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.” Let me read that part again. “Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.” We are no longer interested in this world and because we belong to Jesus this world has lost interest in us.  And because of that we can live in way that we don’t hold onto today. 
It’s maybe a good thing in the context of the virus. The virus has taken so much away from so many but we have very little to lose because this is not our home. Our citizenship is in another place. I want to encourage you with 2 things today as we end off,  1. Are you following Jesus, but are you still in Babylon, in other words you follow Jesus but you don’t see yourself as a citizen of heaven, you don’t live by heavens standards by heavens customs. I want to encourage you today to pray and ask God to give you courage to live as a citizen of heaven. And to let go of earthly customs, earthly rules, earthly practices that keep you entangled here on earth.  And I want to encourage you as a citizen of heaven, let your life on earth be a taste of heaven for some. 
Let’s pray. Lord Jesus thanks so much that You are the first citizen of heaven and you showed us the way and I pray Father that as we live on Earth that we would live as citizens of heaven on Earth. That we wouldn’t forget our responsibility here, but also that we wouldn’t forget that we don’t belong here, we don’t live by this world’s rules and standards and customs, we now belong to you, and to your kingdom. Keep reminding us of this Lord so that we don’t lose focus and if we stay focused on this it will help us to live more fulfilled on Earth. Amen. 


▎Brother Dylan
