
07/30 神所揀選的|以賽亞書44



Today's devotion is in Isaiah chapter 44.

This chapter is split into three sections. The first section finishes what was started in chapter 43 stating the LORD's promise of victory, reiterating the fact that we are God's chosen people, His chosen ones, telling us to not be afraid because as said in verse 3, "I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. I will pour out my Spirit in your descendants, and my blessing on your children." and continues in verse 4 saying, "They will thrive like watered grass, like willows on a riverbank."
本章分為三個部分。第一部分結尾了第四十三章開始的內容,說明了耶和華對勝利的應許。重申我們是神所揀選的子民,祂所揀選的,我們不要懼怕。第三節說 「因為我要倒出水來消除你的乾渴,來灌溉你乾旱的土地;我要把我的靈澆灌你的後裔。把我的福氣傾注給你的子孫。」 接著第四節說  「他們要興旺發達,像澆了水的青草,又像河畔的柳樹。」

The second section vividly points out the foolishness of idols, but continues to remind us in verse 8 to not be afraid. Bold words appear to describe those who worship idols they've created with their own hands, trusting something that cannot help them at all. Not only "foolish: but "disgraced, stupid, ignorant, poor and even deluded."
第二部分生動地指出了偶像的愚蠢,但繼續在第八節提醒我們不要懼怕。經文裡出現很嚴厲的形容詞來形容那些崇拜偶像的人,就是自己親手創造出來偶像的人。他們相信的東西根本無法幫助他們。不僅形容這些人「愚昧」,而且 「丟臉,愚蠢,無知,可憐甚至自我欺騙」。

A reference to the blacksmith in verse 12 and the wood carver that goes from verse 13 to 17 can be applied to our own lives when we work hard based on our own understandings and not in Christ Jesus. Verse 12 says, "The blacksmith stands at his forge to make a sharp tool, pounding and shaping it with all his might. His work makes him hungry and weak. It makes him thirsty and faint." Dear brothers and sisters, how many of us can relate to this in our lives? Working with "all our might" but only to be hungry and weak and thirsty and faint? But good news! Just as the chapter ends with the last section stating restoration for Jerusalem, restoration for us is in God's Word and His teachings. May they give us direction and wisdom and nourishment so we are able to work with joy and renewal, for when our work follows God's will and not our own or others, when our work glorifies our Lord and Savior, we are no longer hungry, but satisfied, we are no longer weak but strong, we are no longer thirsty but quenched, and most importantly we are no longer faint but full of life in Christ Jesus.
可以參考第十二節中的鐵匠和第十三節至第十七節中的木匠,當我們倚靠自己的聰明而不是在基督耶穌裡努力工作時。第十二節說 「鐵匠站在鎔爐旁鍛造鋒利的器具,他全力打製,使之成型。這工作使他飢餓疲乏,乾渴眩暈。」 親愛的兄弟姐妹們,我們是否也像這樣?沒有用「我們的全力」在工作,但又飢餓又疲乏又乾渴又虛弱 (眩暈) 呢?但是福音就是好消息!正如本章最後一部分說到耶路撒冷的恢復一樣,我們的恢復也體現在神的話語和祂的教導中。願神的話語給我們智慧和養分,使我們能夠喜樂地工作還有被更新,當我們的工作遵循上帝的旨意而不是我們自己或他人的意願時,當我們的工作榮耀我們的主和救主時,我們就不再飢餓,反而滿足,我們不再疲乏,反而有力量,我們不再乾渴,反而被滋潤,最重要的是我們不再虛弱 (眩暈),而是在基督耶穌裡充滿了活力。

Let's pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling us your chosen ones. We thank you for explaining in such detail why we need not be afraid. We thank you for your patience and grace and mercy as we wander away from you then back to you and maybe away from you again, but you never forsake us. Your undying love never fails and your promises are never broken. Your promise of victory is clear. Thank you for Your Word, for stating so specifically how you feel, what you wish for us to do and how you would like us to live our lives according to Your will. Thank you, Lord. We love you. We praise you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 親愛的天父,感謝祢揀選我們。感謝祢清楚的解釋了為什麼我們不必懼怕。感謝祢的耐心,恩典和憐憫,當我們有時遠離祢,又回到祢身邊,也許再次遠離祢,但祢從不撇棄我們。祢永恆的愛永遠不止息,祢的應許也不會被收回。祢應許勝利很明確。謝謝祢的話語如此明確的敘說祢的感受,祢希望我們做什麼祢期待我們如何按照祢旨意過屬基督的生活。感謝主。我們愛祢。我們讚美祢。奉主耶穌基督的名求。阿們。


