
10/13 偉大的交換|使徒行傳21A

Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”Acts 21:13








In 2006 a man named Kyle who lives in Montreal, exchanged a paper clip for a house. Can you imagine that. Wouldn’t that be wonderful if we could do that. In fact I have a whole box of them at home. Well he didn’t really exchange a paper clip for the house. That was what happened at the end of the story. He first traded the clip for a nice pen. He then traded the pen for a doorknob. It took him 14 trades to trade a role in a movie for the house.


In Acts 21: 1-26 Paul is returning to Jerusalem from a missionary journey. He’s in a boat. Along the way he stops at several places and encourages the believers in those places. Think of it like going from Kenting to Taipei but you follow the coast. You’d stop in Kaohsiung to drop off cargo or pick up cargo. While that’s being done you visit and encourage the believers.  Then stop for a few days in Tainan. And so on. Paul eventually reaches a port city called Caesarea. A prophet by the name of Agabus has traveled to give Paul a message. When he meets Paul he takes Paul’s belt, ties his own hands and feet to demonstrate how Paul will be bound if he goes to Jerusalem. He is telling Paul that Paul will experience hardship if he goes to Jerusalem. 


If you were Paul how would you respond? Would you see the danger ahead and agree that going to Jerusalem was a bad idea, turn around and go in the opposite direction? That’s not what Paul does. It says this in these verses 12-14: When we heard this, we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” When he would not be dissuaded, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”

如果你是保羅,你會如何回應?當你看到前方有危險、前往耶路撒冷是個壞主意,你會轉頭往反方向走嗎?但保羅並沒有那麼做,第12-14節說:我們和那本地的人聽見這話,都苦勸保羅不要上耶路撒冷去。 保羅說:「你們為什麼這樣痛哭,使我心碎呢?我為主耶穌的名,不但被人捆綁,就是死在耶路撒冷也是願意的。」 保羅既不聽勸,我們便住了口,只說「願主的旨意成就」便了。

In John 12 we read about Mary who anointed Jesus feet 6 days before the event on the cross. She had bought very expensive perfume, it probably took all her worldly wealth and possessions to buy that jar of perfume and poured it onto Jesus feet and used her own hair to anoint his feet as an offering to him. When we consider the gift that Jesus has given the whole world and us, then that gift was small in comparison. But what makes Paul want to die for Jesus and Mary give absolutely everything to him? 


They understood that an exchange has taken place and what they receive is far far more valuable than what they give up. Like the person who traded the paper clip for a house. He traded his beloved and precious paper clip for something much better. 


We give Jesus everything, even our lives because he has given us everything. Listen to this most powerful verse. This sums up Christianity very nicely. 

2 Corinthians 5:21, NIV: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."


哥林多後書 5:21 神使那無罪的替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義。

Let’s pray.

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice. Thank you for your exchange. You exchange your life for ours. And because of that, we are forever grateful to you. Because of your sacrifice, we give our everything to you, even our lives, even as Paul said, “for Jesus, I’m willing to die.” I pray we would be in the same place as Paul in regards to our relationship with you. We love you so much. We love your course so much that we would be willing to say the same thing. Because we understood and we understand that you have given us everything. We don’t take what you give for granted. And so in exchange we honestly and sincerely say Jesus, everything we have and everything we are, is yours. Amen.





▎Brother Dylan Olding
