
10/15 主啊,我當做什麼?│使徒行傳22







In the previous chapter, Jews from Asia saw Paul in the temple participating in a purification rite and stirred a mob in the city, accusing Paul of being against the people, the law, and the temple. Paul was then arrested and was going to be taken into the barracks when he requested to speak to the people. Chapter 22 begins with Paul addressing the crowd in a public forum. First, he told them of his pedigree, his education, and how he grew up in the same city as his listeners. He especially noted how he used to persecute followers of Christ.


Then, Paul related how he met Jesus on the way to Damascus, what Jesus said to him, and that Paul was instructed to go to Damascus where he would learn what the Lord required of him. Once he reached Damascus, he met a man named Ananias who performed a miracle and restored Paul’s sight. At this moment, his name was changed from Saul to Paul and vowed to preach the gospel. 


As soon as Paul finished speaking, he was placed in chains by the Roman guards. After being tormented by the crowd and flogged by the Roman guards, Paul informed the guard that he was a Roman citizen. At this point, the Roman commander became very nervous because he had placed a Roman citizen in chains and punished him before he was tried. The next day, Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin to clarify the charges brought against Paul. 


This chapter reminds us of our identity in Christ. Ananias told Paul in verse 14 that God had chosen Paul to see the One who obeys God and to hear His voice. Brothers and sisters, we have been saved and called. We no longer live for ourselves because Christ is in us and we live to do God’s will. Jesus said in Luke 17:21 that “the kingdom of God is within you.” The faith that we have in our saviour is something the world can never take away.


In addition, we must contend for the faith. Paul seized the opportunity to recount his conversion and how God had called him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. I believe it is important to remember how we got saved in the first place and relate that experience to non-believers. Peter says Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you for the hope that is in you. Jesus Christ is our hope.


Finally, we see that Paul’s message fell on deaf ears. Not everyone will accept the message of the cross. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:18 that “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to those who are being saved it is the power of God.” One person cannot reach everyone for Christ. However, be encouraged because God is with us when we carry the light of the gospel to the unsaved. As all of us have been given different gifts and abilities, let us use them for the equipping of the saints and the work of the ministry. 

最後,我們看到保羅的信息傳給了聽不到的耳。並不是全部的人都會接受十字架的信息。保羅在哥林多前書 1:18說:因為十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人為愚拙,在我們得救的人卻為神的大能。我們無法為基督接觸到每一個人,然而,當我們將福音的光傳給未信的人,神是與我們同在的。神賜給我們不同恩賜能力。讓我們使用這些恩賜來建造聖徒和事工。

Let’s pray. I pray that we will all have the courage to make the most of every opportunity with people and have that genuine zeal for You. We thank you that we can hear from You through Your precious Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit. 




▎Brother David
