詩篇122篇是大衛寫的四首朝聖之歌中的第一首。語氣很親切,很親密,對話很清晰。 他全心向著耶路撒冷歌唱。 當有人宣布:「我們往耶和華的殿去。」大衛在NLT版本說他「很高興」,在NIV中他「歡喜」,而在MSG中翻譯說他的心「因喜樂而跳躍」。
Psalm 122 is the first of four Pilgrim Songs written by David. The tone is very personal, very intimate, the dialogue so clear. He was singing from his heart to Jerusalem. When it was announced, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." David sang In NLT he was "glad," in NIV he “rejoiced,” and in the Message, the translation says his heart "leaped for joy."
"All the tribes of Israel--the LORD's people--make their pilgrimage here. They come to give thanks to the name of the LORD as the law requires of Israel. This line lit up my heart and opened my eyes, "hey come to GIVE THANKS to the NAME of the LORD as the law REQUIRES of Israel." Reminding me not to just give thanks from my narrow perspective for the blessings I receive or the grace I experience, but give thanks from His perspective to His NAME, give thanks for His existence and who He is. For me, it was like in a movie when the camera was focused on a small scene somewhere on the streets of this world and then suddenly zooms out into space and you get a glimpse of the universe. Yes, it was that dramatic in my head.
So, dearest brothers and sisters, how does this apply to our lives at this moment? Do you find it hard to be thankful when you see the number of COVID cases getting bigger and bigger, at the same time, the number in your bank account is getting smaller and smaller? Do you find it hard to be thankful when everyone is home and there's complete chaos? When the routines you loved so much suddenly come to a stop and you’re stuck at home with fear and anxiety of an uncertain future? Well, good news! Isn’t this the perfect time to do what David says, to give thanks solely to the name of the LORD, to shoot our cameras way out into the sky, away from the numbers, the news, the chaos, the uncertainty and see the bigger picture, see the greatness of God who specifically tells us in Philippians 4, to not be anxious, to not worry about anything, but instead, pray about everything. thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.
And that is exactly what David continues to say in Psalm 122, "Pray for peace in Jerusalem. For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem."
Dearest brothers and sisters, isn't this a time to zoom out from our narrow perspectives that only see things not going our way, people not listening to our demands, and situations not under our control. Isn’t this a time to zoom out from all of that and seek not what is best for us as individuals, but seek what is best for this nation, for this world. Seek what is best for His kingdom.
Let's pray. We thank you for today's message, for showing us to zoom out of our lives and our frustrations and our fears and to see You for your greatness. To see you are in control. To feel the peace that only you can provide. We thank you for reminding us not to worry or be anxious, but to pray. To thank you for all you have done and not fret about what we feel you have not done. We pray for all our brothers and sisters to be able to experience Your peace, the peace that surpasses our understanding, the peace that guards our hearts and minds as we live in you, Christ Jesus. Thank you, Lord. We love you. We praise you. In Jesus' name we pray, amen!